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  • S 30A_Pt

    S-30A Pt Edition

    A powerful upgrade for audiophiles yearning to reach a new level in audio entertainment.

  • Linevers power cord

    The new evolution of sound by SINE - Lineverse

    Experts from SINE have taken the experience of making better power cords to form a new generation of flagship power cables

  • MEGA X force

    Gateway 3 PA Version

    Gateway 3 is our latest flagship power conditioner. A new design with our unique metal ratio P-Alloy core.

  • Sutra pc

    Sutra Power Cable

    Sutra makes the soundstage more realistic and precise, with excellent quiet and dark background

HiFi Wall Socket
Gateway 3 PA Version
Flagship P-Alloy Power Conditioner
Cassio PC

The conduit that covered our unique core is 5 times bigger than our S-60A’s conduit. And the multi-layer noise control structure includes damping filling, low voltage noise removal technique, vibration isolation and shielding. It reaches the highest EMI/RF removal capability.

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Louis X
Cryo Powercord

Louis X maintain the powerful dynamic from old model Louis, and easily reached down into the low frequency domain without hesitation.

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